Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tis a new year.....

And well, things started out rough, but I got a call from ESPN asking me to come back. Which is good, because I need a job. This time around, I'll be budgeting myself better. Saving to pay bills if I get laid off, saving for production equipment, and for production of Digits. And maybe even submitting to some festivals as well. We'll see. All I know is, that for all of my "New Years Resolutions" I've surprisingly kept all of them so far. Which, 25 days into the new year is a new record. I haven't had a drop of Coca Cola and have been working hard on my writing. I've been asked to do some acting jobs which I'll prolly persue. I miss acting. So yeah....that's it for now I guess.

Digits coming soon! (like anyone reads this lol)