Thursday, June 19, 2008

Look at me, the big query.....

I just realized how obnoxiously cliche my title is.

"Confessions of a Screenwriter". Sounds like an HBO special.

Anywho, so yesterday I mass mailed a bunch of agents with my query letters. Hopefully someone bites.

Cuz I want fame and fortune and beautiful ladies to lick my toes right!?

Far from it. I've shown that scene to audiences. Once in a venue of 500 some odd general audience people who came to a student showcase from the local area. They cheered, applauded and laughed (as hoped). Everyone else that's watched it has said the same thing, "What the crap? We don't get to see him beat up the blond kid?"

Which means I've got characters their responding to. Sure, it's the age old archetypes, but they're in a fresh new environment. Used for the some objective, but through new means. Which is what I've always tried to do.

And my response to them is always "how do you know he beats the crap out of the blonde guy?"

Hopefully someone will think this in the "big time" and want to go forward on the project.

If not, there's always the next screenplay. But I really love this project and i could care less how much money I get from it. I just want to see it happen, hook people to love it.......and then make the sequels (which i already know what would happen and they would kick ass for sure lol)

- I'm out


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Well now.....

Just like to point out how frustrated I am at "people."

Look, I've always been a fan of superheroes, mainly because I like to write and writers love heroes. The idea of a "super"hero is just fantastic.

The problem with movies being made about these wonderful characters is that suddenly everyone thinks they're a scholar on the mythos and that one is better than another.

Personally, I'm a Batman fan. But truth be told, I love them all. Do I really have to choose? The only thing I don't like is when they're changed too much for film. I understand the reason for a lot of changes while adapting to a different medium, but some things are changed just to be changed. I say, go with what the fans want. Why? Because they know / understand the source material for a reason. They don't dress up as their favorite character because they're all the same, but rather because of what makes them different. Hollywood needs to wake up and embrace what the fans love. That's what's going to really hook the general audiences onto these heroes.

- Andrew

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pen is to paper as finger is to keyboard

OK, that title sounds very sexual innuendo-ish.

Oh well, lol. Me? I've been working on some of the screenplays that I'm "signed on for." The quotations are because I'm doing this for no money chances are. I'm working with Robb Greene on his Extraction feature film screenplay. He's really got some good ideas and knows his stuff when it comes to the Zombie Genre and he will be the one to turn it on it's head and cause a stir. I'm glad he asked me to be a part of that.

In addition to that, I'm also reading and noting Mike Bailey's "Desertion" script. It's another feature but it's a Western based in Condition, Tennessee. The best part about it is that you are completley expecting the same old western ending because.....well, it's a western. But the ending is in a word "badass" and innovative. There's some structural and character issues that will have to get worked out, but overall, it's a great screenplay.

NOW, on top of that, I'm torn between working on Indom Draft 3, Digits Draft 1, The Road Goes Both Ways Draft one and Gurilla Warefare. Digits will be fun, Indom i'm excited about, Road I know I can say a lot with, and Gurilla is gonna be a fun little project. Gurilla is a completley off the wall spec script in the vein of sci-fi original TV movies. and Matt Rainwater had quite the graduation night knocking out the beat sheet to this puppy and the sheer craziness of it gets me pumped. I have so many of them that I want to work on, but sadly have no time and can't choose which one to focus on.

I think Road will be this weekend. I just really want to get this idea out of my head and down on paper. Especially with all the racism accusations in the world (especially politics right now).

If anyone actually reads this - comment and let me know what you think I should work on next.

- Andrew

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And......I'm off!

Pulling out by a nose, he's running.....and running....and still going now.......

Welcome to my world. My name is Andrew Kosarko. I'm a recent graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design's Film and Television Department.

My area of focus was in Screenwriting (d-oh!). I have to admit, I love it though. Waking up every morning to courier font just gets my goosebumps a-poppin. Problem is, everyone and their sister and their cousin twice removed think they can write a story as good as anyone else. That's not to say that you, your sister and your 2nd cousin might not be naturally talented, but come on now, put a little faith in those that have studied the hell out of this department.

Like me. :D

In my graduating class I saw dozens of "directors" shoot their senior projects from a first draft.
Look, some people can hit the nail on the head, but this whole "you are special" crap really makes for lazy people who just jump the gun on their own artwork. That would be why so many of those films don't ever go anywhere. And when they are amazing films (Like my friend Andrew Osbourne's "Letters Across Borders") they are completely disregarded by the college. But I digress. All this relates back to my original topic of graduation. I would like to thank the college so much in preparing me to get a job (teaching me format, programs, structure - etc) but completley leaving out that whole "this is the entry level job you should be looking for and here's who to ask / where to find it.

For now, I'm going to keep writing my screenplays because it's what I love doing and won't stop doing it.

Tomorrow becomes mail Indomitable Spirit stuff out to agents day.

- Andrew