Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What to do, what to do.....

So I've been offered overtime at my job. I've met a young lady whom I'm quite fond of. My friends are jumping off at the hinges to do little projects (mock music videos, improv skits) on a high school A/V budget for fun and all that. I still have no health care (how's that economy in Canada......? lol) And yet, I cannot for the life of me find time to work on things. And of course, now is when my motivation gets high to work on stuff. I'm pumped about doing the final things to "The Indomitable Spirit" and so unbelievably jazzed about "The Villain" and "Digits" that I'm like joy gasming at the thought of their potential. But alas, I have no time to work on them. I slept for 12 hours last night because I'm so run down. It's insane.