So it's now my second day of being laid off from work. I took yesterday to relax and get myself situated. Financially as well as just getting some things done like Christmas shopping, cleaning and a whole bunch of other stuff no one cares about.
Anywho, today I multi-slacked. In a sense I mean, I wrote intermitedly. I wrote, i cooked. I wrote, I ate. I wrote, I watched Superbad. I wrote, I ate again.
Long story short, I gained a total of 10 pages on Digits. Pages that further the plot and story and character relationships, but really aren't that funny. At this rate, I'll have a solid first draft by this time next week. But Christmas and a job hunt will no doubt put a strain on that. Either way, I'm thinking I should have draft 1 done by the new year. In total, I'm going to attempt 7 passes on this script.
- Rough draft with a focus on Andy's story and comedy situations/set ups.
- Revisions with a focus on Eric D's story and comedy situations/set ups.
- Revisions with a focus on Lucas' story and comedy situations/set ups.
- Revisions with a focus on DTM's story and comedy situations/set ups.
- Revision on Andy's story again.
- Comedy re-write and make sure humor and theme are intact.
- Final polish and such.
I'm aiming for this baby to be done by the end of February at the latest. I really think if we can garner enough money for some equipment we can actually shoot this during this upcoming summer. If not this summer, most definitely next. I've come to the realization that I can't slack off on these things anymore. I have to put my nose to the grind if I want to go anywhere in life. I have talented friends and I would personally enjoy being in the film myself so I know that there's a ticking clock on this more than anything. It's really low-budget at the moment and completley do-able. And I know my friends. They can't get behind something unless they're tagging on during the fun part. Especially Eric. He's a great talent, but I find it hard to get him enthused without something to show him. Either way, I'm hesitant to show any drafts to anyone till I have it where I wanted. Which sucks because I thrive off their enthusiasm and ideas. And they me. So someone has to step up and take the initial hit. Problem is, if my game isn't spot on, then it'll all fall to the wayside and it'll be really hard to get any of them to give it a second look.
So, I guess we'll see.
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