So I haven't updated since mid-October, and for good reason. I ended up taking that over time work because our economy is piss poor at the moment and my job is most likely coming to an end. I can't lie, I'm semi-excited at the idea of collecting un-employment. While I don't want to be a lazy slacker, I love the idea of being able to pay my bills and have time to work on my screenplays. I've permanently shelved Indom as the current draft of it is sufficient for what it is at the moment. It's decent, but not as epic as I want it to be.
Digits is coming along rather nicely. It's still very rough at the moment and I dare not show it to anyone without doing some revisions, but I find myself doing it in a "Superbad meets Arrested Development/The Office" style. Which I think the more realistic you can convince someone that the material it is, the funnier it can be and the more things you can get away with. That is, after all, what it's all about, "suspension of disbelief" - right? Well that's my rational and I'm sticking to it. In addition to Digits, I find myself brainstorming "The Villain". I think I really shouldn't write this one just yet and just keep my head stirring on what and how to handle it. It's really new ground, for me at least, to try and see things from a Villain's POV. But then again, this Villain wants to be a hero and all that. We'll see, right now I'm just playing around with concepts and ideas on how to make it truly epic. The Road Goes Both Ways is always promising in my mind, but the daunting idea of researching drug sales, police procedures, court cases, the law in general, and the actions of activist groups are quite daunting. That script, while I think could be my most socially concious and reachable yet, can wait. I love it, but I can wait on it. It's not that I'm
not passionate about it, it's just not the most driving force in my mind right now. Trust me, after all the racism that was conjured up by Obama winning the election, plenty of ideas and concepts crept into my little skull. I think this is a script that I can't create from my mind, but rather, need to experience more from life and understand it before I can truly capture it on paper.
So for now, the focus is on Digits. And getting a job so I can start buying equipment. I'm really not interested in playing this "let me get your coffee so you can berate me" bullshit. I know whenever I "make it" (whatever that means) as a professional screen writer, I won't change who I am. I know I'm one of the most rational, level headed and non-aggressive towards people, person around. I plan to stay that way.