Thursday, August 7, 2008

A social experiment.....

So I'm on Facebook the other day, and I stick up one of those Photoshopped pictures of my head on an Abercrombie and Fitch model......problem with that is, I'm damn good with Photoshop. And this was one of my lesser composites. Regardless, in one day's time I got 5 responses from random good looking girls in my social network.

....So in addition to doing a couple sit ups this morning and eating Subway for lunch today, I'm going to try something out.

I'm always curious for honest feedback on my screenplay ideas but it's the hardest thing to muscle out of someone cuz people are so damn sensative these days. Not me, I want to be torn down. It'll help me grow and I'm very self-aware of that.

So what I did was post a note asking a few questions and instructed my friends to post their answers in the Honesty Box so they could give me feedback and not worry about me getting upset to them.

We'll see how this goes....

- Andrew

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