Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And......I'm off!

Pulling out by a nose, he's running.....and running....and still going now.......

Welcome to my world. My name is Andrew Kosarko. I'm a recent graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design's Film and Television Department.

My area of focus was in Screenwriting (d-oh!). I have to admit, I love it though. Waking up every morning to courier font just gets my goosebumps a-poppin. Problem is, everyone and their sister and their cousin twice removed think they can write a story as good as anyone else. That's not to say that you, your sister and your 2nd cousin might not be naturally talented, but come on now, put a little faith in those that have studied the hell out of this department.

Like me. :D

In my graduating class I saw dozens of "directors" shoot their senior projects from a first draft.
Look, some people can hit the nail on the head, but this whole "you are special" crap really makes for lazy people who just jump the gun on their own artwork. That would be why so many of those films don't ever go anywhere. And when they are amazing films (Like my friend Andrew Osbourne's "Letters Across Borders") they are completely disregarded by the college. But I digress. All this relates back to my original topic of graduation. I would like to thank the college so much in preparing me to get a job (teaching me format, programs, structure - etc) but completley leaving out that whole "this is the entry level job you should be looking for and here's who to ask / where to find it.

For now, I'm going to keep writing my screenplays because it's what I love doing and won't stop doing it.

Tomorrow becomes mail Indomitable Spirit stuff out to agents day.

- Andrew

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